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Gene Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Research Topic

A principal research theme in our department is to explore a genetic basis of multi-factorial diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus and vascular complications. In this line, we aim to eventually utilize genomic information for disease prevention, diagnosis and estimation of prognosis, and to further develop efficient therapeutic methods based on the pathophysiological findings..

To accomplish these research subjects, we are undertaking a combination of approaches, which involve [1] study of molecular genetics of the metabolic syndrome by using model organisms, [2] genetic analysis of salt sensitive hypertension to simulate gene-environment interactions, [3] SNP-based genetic analysis of metabolic disorders in humans, [4] investigation of genome network by focusing on transcriptional regulation related to metabolic disorders and [5] genomic epidemiology, where both genetic and environmental factors are concomitantly investigated in the same study population to delineate the complex interplay between them.

Main Staff

Director Norihiro Kato
Senior Research Fellow Daiki Tomidokoro
Research Fellows Ryo Kubota
Masato Isono
Specially Appointed Researchers Fumihiko Takeuchi
Tomohisa Akamatsu
Visiting Research Fellows Yuri Yoshimoto
Miyu Tajima
Research Scholar Shoichiro Miyako
Research Institute
Diabetes Research Center
The Research Center for Hepatitis and Immunology
International virus infectious disease research center
Project Research
National Center for Global Health and Medicin