トップページ > 研究部紹介 > 細胞組織再生医学研究部 > 業績 > 2002年(平成14年)
- Yano S, Nakamura K, Okochi H, Tamaki K.
Analysis of the expression of cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen on the peripheral blood and cutaneous lymphocytes of alopecia areata patients.
Acta Derm Venereol. 82:82-85, 2002. - Mitsui H, Komine M, Watanabe T, Kikuchi K, Okochi H, Tamaki K.
Does Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome predispose to systemic lupus erythematosus?
Br J Dermatol. 146:908-11, 2002. - Fujimoto M, Poe JC, Satterthwaite AB, Wahl MI, Witte ON, Tedder TF.
Complementary roles for CD19 and Bruton's tyrosine kinase in B lymphocyte signal transduction.
J Immunol. 168:5465-5476, 2002. - Fujimoto Y, Tu L, Miller AS, Bock C, Fujimoto M, Doyle C, Steeber DA, Tedder TF.
CD83 expression influences CD4+T cell development in the thymus.
Cell. 108:755-767, 2002. - Saito E, Fujimoto M, Hasegawa M, Komura K, Hamaguchi Y, Kaburagi Y, Nagaoka T, Takehara K, Tedder TF, Sato S.
CD19-dependent B lymphocyte signaling thresholds influence skin fibrosis and autoimmunity in the Tight Skin mice.
J Clin Invest. 109:1453-1462, 2002. - Komura,K, Sato S, Fujimoto M, Hasegawa M, Takehara, K.
Elevated levels of circulating CD44 in patients with systemic sclerosis: association with A milder subset.
Rheumatology. 41:1149-54, 2002. - Ihn H, Asano Y, Kubo M, Yamane K, Jinnin M, Yazawa N, Fujimoto M, Tamaki K.
Clinical significance of serum surfactant protein D in patients with polymiositis/dermatomyositis: correlation with interstinal lung disease.
Rheumatology. 41:1268-1272, 2002.
- 大河内 仁志.
Doctor's magazine. 38:38-39, 2002. - 大河内 仁志.
Medical Practice. 19:1220-1221, 2002. - 大河内 仁志.
日本臨床皮膚科医学会雑誌. 72:92-96, 2002. - 藤本 学.
臨床免疫. 37:414-420, 2002. - 藤本 学.
日本臨床免疫学会雑誌. 244-254, 2002. - 藤本 学.
日本皮膚科学会雑誌. 112:785-792, 2002.